VAT Returns
You may get the attached letter from the NTS, this is the notice letter for the last VAT return of 2017FY. Every company need to file VAT...
Non-taxable Income
When you hire a full-time staff member in Korea, be they a “contract” employee (계약직) or a “regular” employee (정규직), you have to provide...
Car Allowance
I’d like to let you guys know about the non-taxable income salaries for employees, have you ever heard about it? I’m not talking about...
Entity Set-up in Korea
Since the amendment of the commercial law in 2012, the articles of incorporation have become a lot easier for everyone in Korea. There...
Limited Liability Company(유한회사)
Are you still stuck on the idea of incorporating your company as a “주식회사 (jushik hoesa)?” In this type of company, you need to extend not...