A freelancer can join the Korean Social security program(4 major insurances)?
Employer reluctantly make an employment contract for a regular employee but a freelancer, is there any reason? There could be several...
Did you apply for National pension deductions when filing your 2022FY income tax?
A freelancer workers can apply for National pension deductions when calculating their income tax. The National Pension system in Korea is...
2018FY, Global Income Tax Return
NTS(National Tax Services) expecting around 7.3mil. taxpayers are filing the above income tax return by the 31st of May for 2018FY...
Minimum Wage
I think minimum wage hit our labour market very negatively last year and will more negatively effect this year especially in a small and...
Retirement Fund(퇴직연금)
According to the Korean standard labor law, an employer need to pay the retirement allowance to an employee(free lancer, independent...
Why you need to pay more tax than the first year in Korea?
I Have a lot of questions from E-2 VISA holder for this question, even having a less income than the 1st year in Korea and get a higher...
Severance Allowance
According to the Korean standard labor law, all of employer should pay the Retirement allowance(=severance payment, retirement fund) to...
Retirement Allowance for E-2 Visa Holder
Recently a court recognized English teacher(E-2 Visa Holder) at a private Hagwon as employees entitled to retirement allowance, rejecting...
Severance Payment Allowance
Up until the end of 2012, some employers with fewer than 5 employees were able to pay just 50% of the standard severance payment....