The Ultimate Guide to Understanding VAT Return for Simplified Taxable Business Owners in Korea.
In the realm of South Korea's fiscal landscape, grasping the intricacies of Value-Added Tax (VAT) responsibilities for entities...
Interim Prepayment of Income Tax for the 1st half of 2023FY: Sole-Proprietors in Korea
The National Tax Service Korea announced that it had sent interim prepayment notices for comprehensive income tax to 1.52 million...
VAT Return for the 2nd half of 2020 FY
NTS(National Tax Services) announced on Jan. 6 to delay the due date for a month for every "Sole-proprietorships" due to the pandemic...
사업장현황신고, Workplace Status Report
Every VAT exempt sole-proprietorships need to file the above captioned report by the 10th of Feb. 2021. Usually Hagwon owner, hospital,...
Corona Subsidy in Seoul
Seoul city hall announced that they will support all of sole proprietors and small company located in Seoul while paying 1.4mil.won cash....
2018FY, Global Income Tax Return
NTS(National Tax Services) expecting around 7.3mil. taxpayers are filing the above income tax return by the 31st of May for 2018FY...
2019 FY, 1st Quarter VAT Return
Around 920,000 corporations need to file and pay the 1st quarter VAT return and 2,040,000 sole proprietors need to pay the interim VAT by...
Resident Tax in Korea
You may get the below tax notice and need to pay it by the end of August. I need to pay 62,500 won, it's 50,000won resident tax and...
VAT Returns
You may get the attached letter from the NTS, this is the notice letter for the last VAT return of 2017FY. Every company need to file VAT...
Interim Tax Returns
There are interim tax returns for; 1. Corporate Income Tax(Must/the end of August for December closing company if there was no tax to pay...