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Company Formation
Company Formation

Entity set-up is one of very starting point for doing business, and there is a lot of red-tape process involved for you alien investors including biz address, articles of incorporation, type of entity, staffing, so you need to contact a law firm, accounting firm, marketing firm, executive searching, VISA and etc. to complete those processes.

Do you want to meet all of the above experts or just Jz who can cover all of them by himself.

  • ​Company registration at the court for Jushik hoesa and Yuhan hoesa.

  • Company registration at the tax office for sole-proprietorship and Not-for-Profit organization

  • Preparation of articles of incorporation

  • Arrangement of virtual office for the business address

  • Arrangement of reporting FDI(Foreign Direct Investment) at the bank

  • Opening a bank account including all of internet banking installation

Accounting Services
Accounting Services

Each client’s accounting requirements are unique and are based on nature of their particular business scope, but the statutory requirements are the same. We can provide a flexible and scalable solution that suits any budget and individual need.

We are proud to be able to provide services for statutory bookkeeping, international management reporting, and consolidated reporting, as well as specific projects like establishing internal control systems and interim outsourcing.

  • Statutory bookkeeping

  • Preparation of reports in local GAAP and IFRS/US GAAP.

  • Creation and submission of annual financial statements.

  • Maintaining general and subsidiary ledgers.

  • AP and AR control services.

  • Making supplier payments.

  • Treasury and banking.

  • Inventory.

  • Fixed asset (tangible and intangible).

  • Leases, loans and finance.

  • Closing/general ledger accounting.

  • Periodic management reports (profit and loss, balance sheet and cash flow statements).

Payroll Services
Payroll Services

Payroll is not just about transferring money from the company bank account into your employees' accounts. There are a lot of things to do in this process, like handling local taxation requirements, allocating for retirement funds, paying the compulsory four major insurances (social security program), year-end tax settlement procedures, and many more. You can count on us to keep your payroll schedule faithfully and confidentially, so you can focus your valuable time on building your business in my country.

  • Preparing a payroll schedule

  • Preparation of certificates related to the payroll and employee income tax

  • Filing withholding tax for employees, freelancers and part-timers

  • Calculation of retirement allowances

  • Administration of SSP(Social security program) for employees

  • Yearly settlement of employee income tax and social security program

  • Class B Income tax with a tax-payer’s association

Taxation Services
Taxation Services

Taxes are one of single largest burdens and expense items for all alien entrepreneurs in Korea yet, it is not easy to find a qualified and capable English-speaking tax accountant. As a business owner, for example, we can help you file your VAT, corporate and individual income tax and withholding taxes based on your sales, income and employees' salaries.  We can also take over your tax audit duties, prepare your filing for claims including transfer price issues, as well as any permanent entity issues.

​We are also qualified to appoint your successor for inheritance taxes, and can assist with capital gains taxes, share transfer taxes and share transfer gain taxes as well.

  • ​VAT return

  • Issuing of tax invoices

  • Withholding tax return

  • Corporate income tax return

  • Transfer tax return

  • Transfer gains tax return

  • Inheritance and gift tax return

  • Transfer pricing reports for international trading

Corporate Secretarial Services
Corporate Secretarial Services​

If you need to make changes to your corporate governance, company name, provision of registered services, address of residency of your representative of director, seal certificate, adding a branch address, or any of a score of other mundane tasks, we can help. There’s a lot of annoying red tape when doing business in Korea, but without it, it is impossible to meet the legal compliance requirements. So even if your needs are as trivial as changing your tax registration, applying for an FDI certificate, or changing your banking information, feel free to give us a call.

  • Change of Company registrar at the court

  • Change of Tax registration at the tax office

  • Extend of directorship at the court

  • Preparation of AGM (Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting) material

  • Control of corp. seal and certificates

Virtual Office
Virtual Office​

I always recommend to make your biz address in a virtual office until you get some knowledge of Korean way of doing business if you're new here. My arrangement of virtual office make you possible to register your biz address at the commercial court as well as at the tax office located in Seoul or Yong-in city, Kyounggi-do.

since 1981-

Korean Tax Blog

Joseph SY Zoh

CPA, California, a member of AICPA  |  Jz Tax Accounting /Jz Associates

F:+82-31-273-5078  |  Skype: joezoh  |  Email:

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